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Home Podcast The Unsolved Disappearance of The Sodder Children

The Unsolved Disappearance of The Sodder Children

by larrymlease
On Christmas Eve, December 24, 1945, a fire destroyed the Sodder home in Fayetteville, West Virginia, United States. At the time, it was occupied by George Sodder, his wife Jennie, and nine of their ten children. During the fire, George, Jennie, and four of the nine children escaped. The bodies of the other five children have never been found. The Sodders believed for the rest of their lives that the five missing children survived.This episode is sponsored by PodDecks: Use Code TCNS for 10% off. https://powered-by-pod-decks.peachs.co/a/lawrence-leaseFollow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/truecrimensLike Us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/truecrimeneversleepspodcastSupport Us By Buying Us a Coffee: www.buymeacoffee.com/tcns

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